Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Man Cold

I have the flu, or something like it.
Almost 3 weeks ago hubby came down with a cold.
I was kind of heartless because I told him that many men tend to act like babies when they are sick.

Well I eat my words because he had/has the worst cold ever. He is STILL recovering!
Sorry honey. I love you.
And now Friday the 13th and Valentine's day (hate V-day!!) has cursed me with this stupid flu!
I have to pop Tylenol and Motrin every 4 hours to keep the aches and fever at bay.
And I don't like V-day because it's a pointless holiday. Purely commercial.
In our house we do not celebrate it.
I do not want my hubby to buy $100 roses when every other day they are 1/4 the price!
And going out to eat? Forget it! I refuse to wait longer than an hour for my food!
And mostly, I think there are more arguments amongst couples on V-day than any other day.
Because women (and some men) think that if their spouse doesn't do some big romantic gesture than their relationship is a failure. They expect their spouse to read their minds! Thus, arguments ensue.
So in our house we made a pact to never celebrate it!
Although I gotta say that yesterday hubby surprised me with a one-hour massage at a spa.
"Honey, we don't celebrate V-day, you're not supposed to get me anything!"
"Oh I know, I only got it for you because you deserve it!"

And for your viewing pleasure...The Man Cold!


Jenni said...

That's a good video. I like how it's "999" in Britain

Lindsay said...

Ha, funny video. I'll have to call Ryan poor little bunny next time he's sick.

I didn't know you were such a scrooge about V-day. And, come on, you probably would've been a little put out if Casey hadn't gotten you anything. Ha ha, jk.

Lindsay said...

Oh yeah, and I'm sorry you're so sick! Get better.

debora said...

Reminds of the first time Dad was sick early in our marriage. I had to call his Mom and get the recipe for tapioca pudding. Comfort food. That and Coke made it all better.
You two need to get well!

Adam and Lisa said...

Haha, that's great.


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