Sunday, December 27, 2009

Seriously adorable shirts

My awesome friend Marisa is so very talented. Not only is she an incredible singer (and I've probably only heard her sing like once but it was that amazing) but she is very artistic as well. So when I saw on her blog that she made some Disney shirts for her nieces and nephews I told her I HAD to have some for my daughters and nieces.

I am stealing her pictures from her blog because stupidly I did not get a picture of them all together before I gave them away.

Sassy Tink went to Diva (of course!) and Nemo went to Lil' Sis.

Classic Pooh went to my adorable niece, Ruby, and the other Tink went to my other niece Elle.

She drew them and shipped them so quickly and I was so so impressed with her work. I can't even draw like that on paper let alone on a T-shirt.

Thanks again Marisa!! You are the best.


Anonymous said...

There is nothing better than checking your Google Reader updates and finding a post about yourself. :) I'm so glad you love your shirts! Anytime, girl. Nemo is still my favorite.

Bree said...

Those shirts are seriously SO cute and everyone looked so cute in them at Disneyland. Thank you again!!!

Vanessa said...

So cute, she sure is talented!

TheKeilShpeel said...

Those are amazing.


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