Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sorry....I must

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm somewhat of a spelling Nazi. Now, this does not mean I'm perfect at spelling because I'm not. However I WILL look up something that I don't know how to spell so that I can spell it correctly. I "forgive" a lot of spelling mistakes but there is one that makes me cringe every.single.time. Definately.

NO. People, there is no A in that word. I want to scream every time I see it, and I see it A LOT! Why? Why would anybody think that there is an A in definitely? I could maybe understand if you're speaking with a southern accent but other than that I just don't get it.

So, for future reference; it is definitely D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y. Now I'm looking at this word so much it doesn't look right now matter HOW you spell it, but you get the idea.

Thanks for letting me vent.


Morgan Hagey said...

I definately know that there is at least one a in that word somewhere... ;)

Lindsay said...

That totally bugs me, too. Even people who spell everything else right will spell that wrong. Way to vent.

Kate said...

Oh I'm a spelling nazi too. I hope I haven't spelled that one wrong somewhere. I just suddenly got really paranoid. What about when people spell it "defiantly". I try to imagine that's the way they say it, but they should also start pronouncing it correctly. Suckers.

Oh, and I wanted to comment on yours first and you beat me to it. One point for Carly.

Kate said...

And I think we might be from rival gangs. Just so you know.

Kate said...

Don't worry about the gangs. We are a peace loving kind. We mean you no harm.

Jill said...

AMEN my friend. You know one of my biggest ones? This guy at work who had an MBA never got it right, neither did my old boss. It was a daily struggle for me not to freak out on them and get fired.

Your the best.

I can't handle it.

debora said...

Thanks for venting Carly. I feel so much better now.

Hayley said...

What about when people write that they went to collage?

Mostly Leighanna, some Jordan said...

for SURE "your the best" but jill beat me to it. OH MAN. also "definately". i think it's because people spell it the way they say it, and some people have a weird inflection on it.

also "it's", when people don't mean "it is".

how do people graduate from high school not knowing this stuff? even worse is college. even WORSE is graduate school.

Janelle said...

I have to get something else off my chest here...I can't stand how many bloggers apostrophize their name (ie:Lehmann's). Major grrrr.

Brits said...

I tried really hard to put "definately" into a blog post, but it was just too hard and just too late and night.


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