Yes I do wish I had more ME time but that's besides the point. I've been tagged several more times. I've done this tag before but I'll do it again because I know you all LOVE to read more about ME!
Random facts1. I have to sleep with something weighty on my feet. I mean like a pillow or a blanket. I have no idea why but I can't sleep unless there is something heavier covering my feet.
2. I don't understand how people can skip breakfast. I HAVE to eat something in the morning or else I'll die. Not really but it feels like it.
3. Up until about the age of 15, whenever I went to a restaurant, I received a kids menu. It bugged the
CRAP out of me. I wanted to hurl the menus at the waiter and scream, "I AM NOT A CHILD!" I understand I looked young for my age but I
LOOK like a 6 year-old??
Tying in with this story, the other day I stuck my hand out of the car to give a NO on 8 protester a thumbs down. He yelled at me, "Can you even VOTE?!" *snicker*
4. Before I ever even took permit classes I liked to take my parents' land cruiser for spins down the street. I'd park it back in the garage and no one was the wiser. Then one day after said spin down the street I angled the car incorrectly when I drove into the impossibly small garage. It got stuck. I pulled it back out and white paint was etched into the BLACK, now DENTED driver-side door. I freaked. I immediately told my parents. Thankfully the white paint came off and my brother fixed the dent. Good as new. Though my dad now likes to tell that story to anybody who will listen.
5. I detest combing my hair. Yup. I only ever brush it when I get out of the shower but it takes FOR-EV-ER. Somehow in the process of washing my hair it becomes a thick, tangled, snarly mess. It is the most tedious part of my overall hygiene. I'd say it takes a good 15 minutes to comb it out completely. Seriously it's ridiculous.
6. I've said this before but I am a spelling Nazi. I am not exempt from my own spelling mistakes but I try to be error-free. There are a couple random blogs I read (none of which are linked on my sidebar) that are RIDDLED with spelling mistakes. I don't know why I continue to read them. It literally makes my brain hurt. The misuse of your and you're has got to be the worst. For example: "
I told him, your going to regret that!" Arghh! Just typing that makes me want to pull my hair out. Also, what is with the random apostrophes people? There are some blog titles with this kind of header: "The Johnson's" Um....the Johnson's what? The Johnson's backyard? The Johnson's spaceship?
WHAT?!7. I am horrible at math. In school I was pretty good in Science (not chemistry), English and other classes but in math I was downright awful. To this day if I make cookies over at my parents' house and I have to double or triple the recipe I end up asking my younger siblings how to add fractions. It's embarrassing. I have diagnosed myself with math dyslexia. In high school I was in an Algebra Trig class with my best friend. We had an upcoming test and I studied my butt off. I paid rapt attention in every lesson and went over the pre-test about 6 times. My best friend? Yeah she slept through every lesson. I ended up teaching HER the material for the test. Test time came and I scored an 80%. Not horrible but certainly not great. My best friend scored a 99%! Admittedly I gave up after that. I was depressed after having worked so hard. That 80% was the highest test score I received during the whole semester. I abhor math.