This picture was taken the day of my last post. No wonder she was tired. BUT would you believe she has made a complete turnaround? Seriously the past 4 nights she has slept 6-7 hours consecutively. It has been amazing. I have no clue why it's happening but I sure hope it lasts! Any mother knows the pure gloriousness of more than 3 hours of consecutive sleep.
During T-day we did a lot of this (well those that weren't cooking at least)
My Diva joined in. I think she could stand to get a little closer to the microphone.
Wouldn't be the same without my sisters!
I am grateful to this man for all his hard work. Thanksgiving was only possible because of him! Thanks Dad/Grandpa!
And I am grateful for:
My Savior
The Gospel
My Family
A place to live
My hubby's job.
I am so blessed to have such wonderful people surrounding me. Holidays wouldn't be the same without them!
OMG I am the first to comment!! This is a first. Your sister always beats me to it. ha! It looks like you guys had a great time! I wish I could've seen you guys. Is Maya's hair turning blonde?????
Did Cindy spill something on her sweater? Ha ha ha.
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