The last year of your twenties that is! I already posted this on my family's blog but of course I had to post it here too. We celebrated Hubby's 29th birthday yesterday. He felt a little depressed about getting older but I look at it as an accomplishment. He has done so much in his 29 years. He served a two year mission in Portugal and West Africa, met and married his amazing, beautiful wife (hehe), graduated BYU with his undergrad in Therapeutic Recreation, then graduted with his Masters in Public Administration and most importantly is a wonderful father to two adorable girls.

I don't know what I'd do without him. He's my best friend, my husband, my eternal companion. I love you tons! Thanks for being such a great guy! Happy Birthday again!
your wifey
luv?! really carly? he is quite the amazing guy. as much as we used to fight when we were little, he's always been a great big brother. he does have much to be proud about. he has an amazing family and life. i wish we could have been there to help celebrate his birthday. happy late birthday case, we love you!
Awww...what a sweet tribute! He is a pretty amazing guy! And he turned out surprisingly well considering his high school friends were always torturing him! (You duct-taping him to a tree, making him eat weird things at Mc Donalds--wait that might have been Collin--and being pushed in the bushes by Bryce.) That what does not kill you, only makes you stronger!!! You are a pretty great guy Casey and Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Gramps! Wish we could have been there. One more year until he is officially old. Enjoy it! Love you guys!
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