I don't even know what to call this post. So I call it a posty post. Clever right?
My hubby gets every other Friday off (which is AWESOME!!!) so most of the time we just hang out and play around. These were taken last weekend.
I don't have many pictures of just me and the girls since I am mostly behind the camera. Don't mind my sickly, deathly looking face (okay it's not that bad I guess) but I had just gotten back from the dentist and half my face was numb. And c'mon, you all know how dumb you feel when you are walking around without feeling in half your facial features. *Drools* The other picture is a better one of Divabut I look like I'm trying to seduce the camera instead of trying to contort my face into something pleasant-looking.
This was Lil' Sis most of the weekend. Solid foods= gas and constipation. Fun times I know. I guess going from straight breastmilk to oatmeal cereal and sweet potatoes is just too hard on the little one's system. It's also hard on my ears. By the way she officially turned 6 months on Sep. 27! *Sniff*

And of course my Diva. It's a RARE occurrence for her to look directly at the camera and smile. We caught her on a good day. She's so expressive all the time and has been since about 5 months of age. We love her, but she's crazy. No really, she is. I'm serious.
Great photos.
I have a new lens to give you, shortly.
Cute Pics. especially like the ones of Maya on the grass.
Cute pictures! And why is it that the moms are always the ones taking the pictures?
Oh my goodness...the ones of maya are priceless! i don't think i've ever since such anger come from something...well i should say someone, so tiny! what did you do to her carly! your girls are so cute. hurry and bring them up to me! or give them to my mom at the end of the month so she can give them to me when she comes :) and carly, you don't look deathly at all. you're still gorgeous, even if your mouth is half numb.
Ha ha, yeah I thought you were trying to be a mommy model in that one pic. Runway Moms?
The ones of Maya are so sad, yet so cute! Such a big frown! Aww, I just wanna squeeze her. Sorry she's having issues.
Miss you guys, can't wait to see you.
k that last photo is SUCH a TYPICAL Cadence expression. She looks like she might be saying, "Where'd it go??" haha, I love that girl. Although she can be pretty dang cooky sometimes! haha
cadence looks alot like her mom
Cute pics. I love how long Cadence's hair is getting.
you should just change the name of the blog to carly and the girls after looking at the new header. I'm offended.
Well you do live in a household full of women Casey.
Love the profile preggo shot Carly.
Hey, you got your pictures side by side! How do you that? Teach me.
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