Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Festivities

For some reason the older I become, the more I love Halloween.  I mean I loved it when I was younger but something about seeing my children dress up in cute little costumes and parade around town begging for candy melts my heart.

                       Divabelle (1 of 1)     mayawitch (1 of 1)

KC caught the pumpkin carving bug.  He even looked online for templates.  Obama was a no-go but scary pumpkin face made the cut. *ha! pun intended*dadcarve (1 of 1)

It was fun, even if some of us caught the frustration bug instead.

    Divacarving (1 of 1)    divacarving2 (1 of 1)

Those are uncle K’s hands.  Thanks man, for gutting my daughter’s pumpkin!

I also slaved away on these.  I mean Halloween is all about the sugar right?    Mmmm…. sugar.

       cinnamonrolls (1 of 1)   cinnamonrolls2 (1 of 1)

We won’t be trick-or-treating tomorrow due to H-ween falling on a Sunday but we have had our fair share of festive fun.

We went to our ward trunk-or-treat last night and uh…can I brag for sec?


Edit: They had “good”, “better” and “best” hence the quotations. ha ha.

Thanks.  I feel much better.


danielle said...

Can I just ask why "best" is in quotes. Kinda takes away part ofthe fun, in my opinion. LOL!

TheKeilShpeel said...

I agree.. halloween gets more and more fun because of our kids.

Kelli said...

Way to go on the Chili, we are all so proud. And the cinnamon rolls were appreciated by everyone.

But I had to comment bc I laughed at the second picture of K's hands. He couldn't finish gutting her pumpkin because the whole was too small to fit his hands inside. Ha ha.

KickButtMommy said...

I wondered who won! Awesome.

Nicole said...

Congrats on the 'Best Chili' you'll have to email me your recipe!
Love the girls costumes, they looked beautiful.

Lindsay said...

So what recipe did you use? Or is it your own secret concoction?


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