In time out 10-26-10
Just like any family, we have rules.
1. No back-talk
2. No hitting
3. Listen to mommy and daddy
I would say those are our Big Three. And when they don’t adhere to those rules, they get a time-out.
Well, in our house we have banned words or phrases. They would fall under rule #1. A few of them are:
intentional potty talk (poo poo, pee pee, butt..etc)
But Munchkin has a hard time with pronunciations. So her variation of shut-up is “shove-up.”
So we had to ban “shove-up” as well.
Can I tell you how darn difficult it is to stifle my laughter and restrain myself from squeezing her? It’s just so cute. I can’t handle it.
But I have to. Diva watches me. She rules with iron fist. And when she tattles, “Mommy she said SHOVE-UP!” I just can’t help but laugh.
That's too much!
Oh wow, shove up cracks me up. I would have such a hard time not encouraging that :)
P.S. Best book recommendation in the entire world-I read it yesterday, and it already completely changed the way I handled my kids today. Thanks!
I love it!
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