Wednesday, June 11, 2008


EDIT: Thank you for the advice ladies. I shall incorporate all of it. Jill I will not hate you if it doesn't work, I will just send Diva over to your house and she can pee all over your place. ;) By the way, I found that clip and will watch it! Thanks!

Diva has now taken to holding in her pee pee but still refuses to "let it go" in the toilet. SIGH. She immediately pees when I put a pull up on her for naps and such.

Well it's been 3 days of this potty training business. You want to know how many times Diva has gone pee pee in the potty? ZERO. Yes I know my lovely husband said I aborted the mission but I have not. She spent all morning in her cute little undies, sat on the potty 4 times but WOULD NOT PEE! Never in my life would I have imagined that a stream of flowing into a toilet would make me so happy. Alas it has not happened though. She has however had several "accidents" around the house. All on the tile thank goodness. Am I expecting too much? Am I trying too soon?? Should I get her her own little potty? Right now it's just a smaller potty "lid" on top of the big toilet.

Anyway I'm already sick of hearing myself say, "Do you need to go potty in the toilet? Tell mommy when you need to go pee pee, don't pee in your underwear!"

If you have advice, I would love to hear it.


debora said...

Have you considered bribery, as in gum or candy?

Hayley said...

i know that all kids are different, but m&m's, cinderella panties, and the little potty in the living room worked wonders for us.

also, having grandpa here to encourage her worked great too. we would have her feel her panties to make sure that they were still "clean and dry." we had a LOT of accidents. i just had to remind myself through the accidents that she was learning how it felt, although after 3 days of cleaning up pee off the floor i was going crazy. i thought it would never end. then, it clicked.

i tried a few weeks before it actually happened and i could just tell that she wasn't ready.i know it's controversial, but i think any training is good training even if you decide to stop here and wait a little longer. she will remember and it will click.

there's your book. sorry.

Sara @ Our Best Bites said...

I say if the big pot is working for don't worry about the little potty chair. T just learned on the regular toilet (and not even with a kid seat, lol what kind of mom am I? lol) but it was great because then there wasn't a transition to the "big" potty and he can go easily when we're not home. Plus I don't have to empty one of those little things, ew. lol.

Oh and ya, ditto the bribery! All it took was a couple of days of m&m's and he was done with diapers forever! Kids (and people like me) will do anything for candy :)

marlene said...

See the following link for the solution of all solutions.
good luck!

Lindsay said...

We did the little potty with Tucker. He was excited because it was his potty and I think sitting on the big toliet made him uncomfortable. We transitioned within a few days.

Have you read any potty books with her? I don't know how she is with books, but for Tucker I got a book about going potty (the Drs. Sears book) and read it several times before actually trying.

And, yes, it will probably just click for her one day. All the accidents will help her learn. Did she pick out her panties? Maybe she would not want to get special panties that she picked out wet.

Jen.Steve.Joe said...

Hey Carly! How are you guys?! Your little girls are so cute, I can't believe you have 2! I obviously have no advice in the potty training area and don't even want to think about it yet :) Good luck!

Jill said...

So I obviously have no idea about this. Although I did see a news clip from the today show a few days ago about potty training in one day called "booty camp". It was pretty interesting, although I have no idea if it is legit or not. I thought about sending it to you when I read your previous post, but since I have never potty trained I opted not to. And now I can't find it!!!!! If I find it I'll let you know!

I know one of the things they said is to tell them "when you have to go potty, go in the potty" and that you make it their responsibility and you don't keep asking them. And if they have an accident, they have to help clean it up, so it becomes their responsibility. But that could be a load of crap, who knows!...definitely not me :) Good luck in the meantime. I'll try to find it and then you can do what you please with it!

Jill said...

So I obviously have no idea about this. Although I did see a news clip from the today show a few days ago about potty training in one day called "booty camp". It was pretty interesting, although I have no idea if it is legit or not. I thought about sending it to you when I read your previous post, but since I have never potty trained I opted not to. And now I can't find it!!!!! If I find it I'll let you know!

I know one of the things they said is to tell them "when you have to go potty, go in the potty" and that you make it their responsibility and you don't keep asking them. And if they have an accident, they have to help clean it up, so it becomes their responsibility. But that could be a load of crap, who knows!...definitely not me :) Good luck in the meantime. I'll try to find it and then you can do what you please with it!

Jill said...

P.S. Don't hate me if that method sucks, okay?

jenbulkley said...

Ok nothing would work with Gavin. He just did it when he was ready. My friends would give me ideas after ideas, but honestly, I believe a child will go when they are ready. Gavin is almost 31/2 and is doing amazing. Dont fall for pressure from others. Every child is different,

chansen9 said...

Try replacing the carpeted areas with tile.

Also to paraphrase one of your brothers -
"It's a battle we all fight till the day we die, I don't get why we ever stop wearing diapers."


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