I am by NO MEANS a photographer. In fact, I stink at it. I want to become better though because time passes too quickly and I want to snap as many great photos as I can of my two beautiful subjects. My husband received a great camera (Rebel XT) as a graduation present (Masters...woohoo!!) but trying to figure out how to use the camera manually makes my head spin. The only photography lessons I received was when I was in 8th grade and that consisted of going into a dark room with a 300+ lb 60 year-old man. No thanks. So here are the best shots I could come up with this afternoon after messing around for a bit. Not great but hey....I'm trying.

I wonder if they make baby training bras?

Love those beautiful blue eyes.

She is my happy, chubby baby.
Oh, I can't wait to squeeze that chubbiness! So cute. And Cadence is quite the model.
You forgot to add wheezing to the list for good ole Mr. Saturday. He is still around?
Those are so cute! I love how chunky she is!
Those pictures just made my morning! I can't get over how much I love those two. I am so printing those off and putting them up in my cube.
Great pics Carly. It helps to have such photogenic subjects. I love these little girls so much.
oh my goodness!! you seriously have the cutest daughters in the world..so far :) maya is growing so quick! i miss them so much! and of course miss you and casey as well. you guys planning on any trips to this really exciting place called utah?
Cute pics! It is fun to look at your blog. We live so cloase but i never see you! We should hang out sometime! Your babies are so cute!
how dare you scold me!! i am so hurt! yeah i want to link their site, i was looking at it the other day and it looks like they have lots of yummy things but i'm still a blogging moron and didnt know how to link it? i guess i probably just copy and past the link into my post yeah? i need blogging lessons 101 :)
They are so cute! Did you really just ask if they make training bra's for babies? You are so funny and so mean at the same time! Gotta love the chub! So cute!
They are getting so big, and they are so dang cute! I love it.
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