Friday, March 9, 2012

It was a rough morning.  Diva smacked her sister, Munchkin screamed bloody murder, woke the baby and time outs were had.  I had been up every hour or so during the night and not in the mood for shenanigans. 

After things calmed down a bit, I fed G-man, left him sleeping in our bed and began breakfast clean up. 

After I couple minutes I noticed it.  Silence.  Too much of it.

I went into my bedroom and saw two girls snuggling their baby brother. 

A tender mercy, for which I am so grateful.



The Marsden 6 said...

What an awesome moment to it!

The Marsden 6 said...

What an awesome moment to it!

Kelli said...

So sweet. Coming up to see you guys next week.

Jen said...

Love it!

Cristine Garrison said...

so precious.

brittneyboucha said...

Those moments save us as moms! And make life so wonderful!


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