Monday, January 9, 2012


Isn’t it funny, how at the end of summer everyone gripes about how it’s too hot and they wish for cooler weather?  80 degrees feels like torture around September.  We beg for rain and sweaters and jackets and jeans.  Then after a couple months of cool temperatures (I’m talking 50-60 degrees) we rejoice in 80 degrees!  Everyone goes to the beach, we play at the park, update our Facebook to make everyone jealous and post pictures of our kids in swim suits. 

Aren’t Californians a little ridiculous? 

I digress.

We had such a week last week where the weather was magnificent. 

Diva asked to have a lemonade stand.  We held it outside at my parents’ and had the uncles and aunt come outside a buy a few cups of slightly sour, watered down lemonade.  They were good sports.

It was a hit!

Not quite sure why she drew a sad face on that sign?  Perhaps to guilt trip people into buying her wares?


They made bank.

Oh the innocence of youth. 

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Cute girlies. Cute pics. I want some lemonade next time I'm there.


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