I have time to kill. What better way to do that than to take pictures?
Remember my sweet little nephew who had stomach surgery at five days old? Well, he and my sister came for a brief visit to say au revoir to my missionary sis and I snapped a few pictures of them. And hey, if you’re interested in reading about it, she posted details about the whole process on her blog. It’s quite amazing.
Such an intense look on this kid sometimes. He is a spitting image of his dad, that’s for sure. And you would have never known about his harrowing ordeal so early on in life. What a trooper.
He was very generous with his smiles, to everyone around him. I can’t wait for my baby to get here! Hurry the crap up kid!
And there ya have it.
In other baby news I’m just hangin out, fattening up this baby. I very much see the appeal of inductions or scheduled c-sections to know that there is truly an end in sight! Sigh…but I am very very grateful that I still feel great. I don’t swell, I sleep fine, my heartburn has let up tremendously, my blood pressure is great and with the exception of some minor waddling, I can still walk. Although I made the mistake of running around with my girls last night. My pelvis is paying the price for that.
Technically, I am not due for another 6 days (my “first” due date came and went…whatta joke.) But that doesn’t stop people from saying the strangest things…like getting annoyed that I am still pregnant. ha! Forgive me, I am so sorry!
So here’s to making it to 40+ weeks! Because I’ll surely still be pregnant this time come Monday.