We’ve been getting into the holly jolly spirit.
And just FYI….if you give my girls a glass fairy ornament, they WILL play with it and WILL break off her wings and her foot and her leg. Poor thing.
Tonight for Family Home Evening we watched the following video and discussed with the girls the true meaning of Christmas. It’s so important for them to know why we celebrate during this season. It’s not about Santa or presents or treats. It’s about Him and the ultimate Gift of Life.
I wish I could embed the video but for now, if you haven’t seen it, click on the link and enjoy. There are others as well.
P.S. I’m not feeling the comment love lately. I mean c’mon that’s why I blog DON’T YOU KNOW?! All you stalkers. I know you are out there. Don’t leave me hangin.
That black and white photo with the piano, just might be the prettiest I've ever seen. I seriously am in LOVE with it. I would love to blow it up and frame it and look at it every day.
Your pics are sa-WEEEET! As is the legless fairy. Good thing fairies fly.
many a ornament with broken feet around here.
i love your pictures! the last one with the tree lights is so creative!
I am leaving a comment! Your poor little fairy. Sad day. We've been working with the boys to get the right spirit of Christmas. Honestly? It's going really well! I'll show them that video. Great idea!
I have a strict no Santa rule in my house. actually I have 1 Santa decoration but its the picture of Santa kneeling by the Christ child. I'm not antiSanta. I just figure the rest of the world has it taken care of. So by filling my home with nativities preferable ones they can play with, (and talking about them) they will get that Christ is bigger than Santa.
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