Friday, August 12, 2011

Deets and Pics

For the curious peeps…

I am due end of Januaryish.  Winking smile

First trimester=MISERABLE.  I saw more of the inside of our toilets than of my own children.

Second trimester=getting better but still getting waves of grossness. 

Feeling baby move!  In love with it!

Nervous?  Oh yes but each day I feel more confident.  couldn’t say this 10 weeks ago

Names?  Zilch. 

Girlies know and are very excited.  Diva told me my tummy was getting bigger today!  Made me smile. 

And now..what’s a post without pictures?

Cousins on Daddy’s side visiting for awhile. We love them.  Cousin Big B is not pictured because he was busy puking on his mommy. 

ev2-1 ev3-1




In her mother’s defense, she did not know her daughter was rockin just a diaper.  Remember?  She was covered in throw-up. 


Whatever the wardrobe, these girls are the cutest.


brittneyboucha said...

Yay! you're past the first trimester. I saw you as i was leaving darcys and had to check your blog to make sure you were still doing good. Im so excited for you. Cant wait to see if its a girlie or boy!

KickButtMommy said...

Oh, I missed this one. Sorry about the familiarity of the toilet. But YAY!

TR said...

COngrats Carly!! I just heard the great news. Glad you're past the sick part!


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