Friday, May 6, 2011

Babies babies


It seems as if lately I’ve been surrounded by them.  And I love every.single.minute of it.

This past week has been nutso.  Every day packed with something.  Photographing a birth one night, flying out to Utah the next, driving back to CA from Utah, working in Diva’s classroom, editing photos, making slideshows,   Phew.

Photographing a birth was amazing.  I think I’m hooked.  Here are just a couple photos.


This little princess was born to two amazing parents and two adorable older brothers who couldn’t contain their excitement to meet their new baby sister.


I then jet-setted on up to Utah to help my younger sis drive her car back to CA and was able to squeeze in time with my oh-so-scrumptious little nephew.  Unfortunately he is so utterly in love with his mom and dad (well that’s not the unfortunate part) that he has a hard time with strange faces.  So I could only get so close before he burst into tears because I invaded his personal space.  Sadness.

Zanemom-2   smilez-1


I mean seriously how could anyone not want to snuggle and kiss that adorable face?  Sigh.

My wonderful, beautiful cousin came by when I was in Utah and brought her equally adorable little boy. 



P.S. My brother and his wife have an A-MAZE-ING view right out their front door.  Utah has at least one good thing going for it: breathtaking mountains.  oh now all you Utah people, don’t get all huffy.  I’m only kidding.  Maybe.


Lastly, I went on over to a friend’s house today and snuggled her one month-old while she tended to her other sick child.  Yummy babies.

So as you can see, I’ve been busy.  But it’s cool.  Because I’ve been busy with babies.  And that’s the best kind.


Brittany Webster said...

Wow that is a lot! Great photos!

Kelli said...

Jealous you got to go to Utah. Zane is "adorbs".

Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

beautiful babies and beautiful photography. you're getting good, girl. really good! ;)

love them!
love you.
you amaze me.
thanks for being my friend.

Lindsay said...

Kimley's baby is adorable! Such a perfect little face. And, of course, Zane is just too cute. I thought it was pretty sweet how attached he is to his mom and dad.

KickButtMommy said...

beautiful children! You always capture such special moments.

Vanessa said...

You are amazing! So fun to hang with you in the wee hours of the morning! :)

TheKeilShpeel said...

Isn't it amazing to capture the moments of a special spirit coming into the world. I love it.. So fun that you had that experience. You have been busy, that's great!!!


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