The countdown has begun. Ten days. 5 years. Not sure if I’m ready for this. And by this I mean
Daddy let Diva peruse various Princess Youtube videos. Click click click and she found that blasted doll cake. She couldn’t wait to show me. “Mommy THAT IS THE CAKE I WANT FOR MY BIRTHDAY!” (seriously, she shouted it.) Oh my gosh. Save me. Or hold my hand. Walk me through it. Can I just call that woman and have her come make it? What kind of LDS, stay-at-home, Caucasian, blogging, Facebooking mother would I be if I seriously paid someone to recreate that frilly masterpiece? Not a very good one. That’s for sure.
Oi Vey. Wish me luck.
Oh. My. Gosh. At least she gives you a how to? This would probably take me 5 tries to get half as good as she did. This is nuts.
I, for one, am going to be seriously impressed if you make that cake. Seriously impressed. Muahahaha. good luck!
like someone said.. just do the round bowl and the princess stuck it and do frosting on it. That will be good :). I did learn from MIL's that you need to freeze the cakes so they can be frosted easy.. who knew? This howdini is great.. GOod luck :) I can't wait to see it..
That paper trick is awesome
Hahahaha well as Jenny said at least you got a how-to and you don't have to come up with it on your own. Cadence is amazing.
The doll cake picture won't come up for me - but I can imagine. I've made 2 doll cakes now - and here's what I've learned. You do need a good bowl to cook in - the Pampered Chef has an awesome glass bowl that's perfect. Call around, I guarantee you someone close will have one you can borrow if you don't. I bought a cinderella barbie doll and that worked well to shove down the middle of the cake, just be sure to wrap her legs in plastic wrap. Or you can try to buy a pic doll or something from Robert's or Micheals. Last, but most important, use FONDANT. It's like play dough and stays in place so much better. I used it the 1st time around and it was awesome. Second time I went with butter cream because it was tastier and is smeared and ran all down the skirt and looked HORRIBLE. Poor girl. And finally, don't worry because even if it doesn't come out perfectly, she'll still love it and be THRILLED. Here's a link to the 1st one - it's not fabulous, but she love it! http://emwhitney.blogspot.com/2009/11/birthday-girls.html
there is no logical reason why I actually spent 6 minutes watching that video because I have no need or desire to make a barbie cake. I was strangely enthralled. anyway, I bet you could do it. the hardest parts would be the cutting at the beginning and having a good frosting. even I, a baking failure with little to no domestic skills, have made a few fancy cakes in my lifetime. just make like 2 backup cakes in the glass bowls in case something goes terribly wrong. haha.
i think you can do this and just stick the doll on top. right? i've seen people do this and it actually just looks harder than it is...(says the girl that's never made one). i'll make sure my kid never searches anything princess online. then i won't have to try. haaaha.
dont you hate how people make it looks so easy??!!! but seriously, you can do this, and im sure it will turn out spectacular!
on a different note, how is the photograhpy coming?! is it coming? i sure hope so!
have fun tomorrow :)
hahaha. it cant be THAT bad. thank your lucky stars she didnt want one of Bakerella's cakepop creations!
Ha ha ha ha ha! Yeah. Good luck with that.
I, for one, wouldn't even be able to get the cakes out of the pans/bowl without them falling apart.
Haha, good luck with that. I think the grocery stores make them like that and they're not that expensive. You can pretend you slaved over it :)
That pic of her is amazing!
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