Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dana Point

A fun but short overnight trip to Dana Point.  The girls and I tagged along with my mom and younger brothers.

  Divabed-1    Divasmile-1

Diva was so excited to sleep in a hotel. And even though it was a very nice one I couldn’t help but wonder about those nasty bedbugs I heard so much about last year.  Ick.


And what did Munchkin try to do?  Oh that’s right, climb the railings. 


And we went to the beach.  Of course. 


Say hello to my creepster brother who enjoyed popping in on some of my shots. ^^




But the main reason we were there?  To snuggle (or smother) my adorable nephew.

                                   mace-1   divaace-1

                    acekirk-1  Acecrosseyes-1


  And in case anyone was wondering….mirror-1

…I was actually there.  Evidently I don’t trust many people with my camera.


Hey Nate.  Payback.  Couldn’t get this picture any larger. Too bad. 


Nate said...

my eyes look great in that pic

Nate said...

like seriously i have never looked better

TheKeilShpeel said...

Diva looks stunning in those top two pics. looks like a great quick trip

Cindy said...

That last picture of Ace is ADORABLE!! He looks so different already, I can't stand it!

Carolyn said...

We used to go to Dana Point all the time, and I loved it. Great pictures! What a cute baby.

Lindsay said...

I love that little Ace!! So cute. Such a little man.

That Munchkin and her railings...

Great pics!! Except that last one is a little creepy. :)

Me said...

I love Dana Point! It looks like you guys had a great time Car! As always, love the photos!

Kelli said...

Hahah Nate. In all his creeper glory.

Miss you guys already! And I LOVE the Ace pictures, of course. It is quite convenient that you are such the photog, I must say.

Rob said...

I think I see Crockett in little Ace - like a little bit of Will.

Nicole said...

How fun, love Dana Point. Ace is a cutie!

Bree said...

How fun! Your nephew is ADORABLE and I think he looks like a pretty good mix of the two of them. I can't wait to see Evan and him playing together.

p.s. we just bought our tickets to Cali and will be there pretty much the whole month of August.

p.s.s. we need to set up a skype or conference call for the girls. Elle asks to play with them every. single. day. One of these years we'll live closer right??

Bree said...

How fun! Your nephew is ADORABLE and I think he looks like a pretty good mix of the two of them. I can't wait to see Evan and him playing together.

p.s. we just bought our tickets to Cali and will be there pretty much the whole month of August.

p.s.s. we need to set up a skype or conference call for the girls. Elle asks to play with them every. single. day. One of these years we'll live closer right??


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