Saturday, February 26, 2011

M is for…


witchhat (1 of 1)

She put on her Halloween costume today.  Just for giggles. 

Oh my little M.  In exactly one month she will be 3.  I refuse to come to terms with it.  Okay, well I know I must but I don’t have to like it.

In a nutshell, she is a goofball.  Her unabating yearning to be just like her big sister combined with her insanely delightful lisp makes for some serious comedy. 

And guess what?  She still loves her binky.  Every day she tries her darndest to feign sleepy at 10:30 am. “Mommy I’m tiiiiwwweeeerdd” she’ll say with a yawn, in hopes I’ll toss her that blasted piece of silicone.  Most days I refuse.  Some days my will to live lies within that glorious little plug.  (Hubby would tell me that line is a tad bit dramatic)  Today as I held her and kissed and smushed her darling little cheeks she announced with much enthusiasm, “I LOVE MY BINKY!”  We weren’t even at home.  It wasn’t within five miles of her lips.  Fine then.

She loves chocolate.  Can’t blame her really.  But hey, sometimes mommy puts her foot down and when she does she hears, “Just a LOTTLE bit!  Pweaassse!”  I’m not sure if this play on words is just her toddler charisma or if she’s a manipulative genius.  I’d like to think the latter.

With Diva, potty training was a BATTLE; a serious, hair-pulling never ending torment.(again with the dramatics)  So Miss M’s quick, no fuss pick-up of the process was like a fresh sea breeze. 

M is a hilarious joy; a charming little girl with boundless energy who possesses the ability to melt hearts with one flash of her captivating, toothy grin.

She’s been my “baby” for three years and I have enjoyed almost every.single.minute.  And I will savor her last month of being two years old!


Bob_C said...

Maya is the cutest! She let me give her a kiss today.

KickButtMommy said...

What a sweet girl she is! Love the lisp.

Lindsay said...

I miss that toothy grin!

And I missed the pacifier when I had Luke give it up. It wasn't nearly as easy to get him to take a nap after that.


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