Monday, January 3, 2011

Not myself

I think I’ve professed my love of cookies once or twice or three times on this blog.

But I haven’t made a single batch in about seven weeks.  I just haven’t been myself.

I’ve been too busy puking.

Too busy sleeping (or anticipating the next moment when I can crawl back into bed.)

Too busy side-stepping four year-old concerns about why mommy is so goshdarn SICK all of the time.

But now she knows, and now you know too…

Baby Bingham #3 will be in my arms at the end of July.

I couldn’t be happier.


Chelsea said...

Yay! Congrats Car! That's awesome....well not the puking part but the baby part! Hope you are feeling better in no time.

Natalie Koester said...

Congratulations, this is very exciting and I don't mean the sick part. Maybe it's a boy this time, since your dad told Kyle the other day when he found out we were having another girl that he's not a man until he has a son, so good luck to your husband becoming a man. I know all in fun!

Hayley said...

So totally exciting! I know it's so rough, but will be over before you know it - why am I even telling you this? I know that you know. Congrats Binghams!

Kat said...

CONGRATS!!! so happy for you! you get another little blessing!

Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

oh hooray! congratulations! hope you're feeling better soon. <3

The Marsden 6 said...

Wohoo! So exciting, were staying pretty close to on track with each other :)

Hope you get feeling better soon!

Ashley and Blake said...

Yeah Carly! So exciting! It's hard to believe you are on number 3 when I just had my first! You guys make super cute kids so we are happy to hear you are contributing one more to the world!!! Hope you feel better soon!

Kyli said...

Congratulations! So excited for you guys !! Your last few weeks have sounded exactly like mine,I am due in July too.

danielle said...

YAY! So excited for you and your family! Congrats Carly!

Melanie said...

Hooray for you and your cute family and a new sweet baby! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

WOOOOOOOOWEEEEEE! Congrats Carl. You make cute babies. :)

KickButtMommy said...

Wonderful news, Carly! Glad all is well and you are puking as you should! he he.

Melinda said...

So exciting! Congratulations!!!!

debora said...

I'm personally hoping for another girl. The two you have are so dang cute. And can you please get over your pukiness soon? We miss your cooking making skills over here!

debora said...

Cookie making, that is.

Brittany Webster said...

Congrats! Hope you feel better soon!

Bree said...

WooHoo!!! So excited to have another little one in the family...especially because it's not coming from me! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Aly said...

Yay for BB#3! I can't wait to find out what you have. A boy would be super exciting but you guys make pretty cute girls! Congratulations!

meg said...

Aw, congratulations Carly - and all of you! Such an adorable little family... I'm so excited for you guys!

I love catching up on your blog - love your photos, love your insight, love your WIT :)



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