Thursday, April 29, 2010



Seriously freakin hate that bink in her face. an escape artist (and a climber, and a runner). And has a strong desire to be nude. All the time.

We put her to bed, check on her a couple hours later and she's passed out, partially clothed in her older sister's wardrobe and partially naked. It's the partially naked part I dislike. I am not a fan of unnecessary laundry. Get my drift?

So being the ingenious (or maybe just desperate) mother that I am I grabbed a pair of footie jammies, hacked off the footies and put it on her backwards.

If she gets out of this I am doomed. Someone needs to invent a diaper lock.


Vanessa said...

What a great idea! Look at you, being so clever! :)

TheKeilShpeel said...

That is a great idea and hopefully she won't get out of them

Lindsay said...

You know what? Some dad just what you did with her p.j.s and decided to make and market some that zip up in the back just like that, for exactly your same reasons! They're called Mookies, at I read about them in Parents magazine. The homemade way is certainly cheaper, though.

Cindy said...

You couldn't at least cut the legs off evenly?
Her hair is getting looong! I can't wait to hug and kiss that little girl!

Carly said...

No actually they WERE cut evenly, it just doesn't look like it in the picture. haha. It was all bunched up on one side.

Kat said...

you are so smart, carly. i am taking notes so when i have kids, i'll know exactly what to do. :) so cute.

Bree said...

You can always take a parenting tip from my parents and just tie her up in her bed! =)

That is actually a REALLY good idea!

Nicole said...

LOL, oh no! Things I have to look forward too! Good idea, I'm sure I will use that soon.

Chelsea said...

HAHAHAHAHA clearly, that is AMAZING!

Becky said...

really, i love this. i really do.


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