I am forever grateful that my hubby had the courage, the faith and determination to serve a mission.
Hubby performing a baptism in Cape Verde, West Africa
Because not only did it prepare him to be an amazing husband but it also prepared him for this:
I love the Gospel and the happiness it brings into our lives!
:).. Thanks for making me smile. That post was sweet.
Everyone keeps talking about you coming to our ward.. everyone knows.. You guys are like famous in our ward already. :).
Are you guys in V1 now? Both my sisters and brother are in that ward as well. Man, wish I was moving into V1 :)
That is a really cool picture. Casey looks a lot like his dad.
That first picture is awesome! It looks like it's from a magazine. Cute picture of the girlies and their daddy!
I completely agree. It is such a blessing to have a strong, worthy, loving priesthood holder in your home. Despite what his siblings may think :), my husband is just that. Can't wait to see him as a daddy too! Way to go Casey, you can tell all your girls love you.
I love those pics! I only wish I could hear what Diva is telling him in the second one. I have a feeling is has something to do with princesses.
What a beautiful post! Beautiful pictures!
I am such a lurker... I sneak in here to read and see pics of the girls but never comment... But that pic of Casey is my all time favorite photo of him - so I just had to say something :) My boys have looked up to him all their lives - we *love* you Casey. And the pic of him with the girls... gosh, it's just precious. I can only imagine what an awesome dad he is :)
I love your blog Carly - you are a great writer and photographer :) I especially love your wit :)
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