"Mommy!! I am out of food! What are you doing taking my picture...get me more food!!"
She's a peanut. At 19 months she's barely over 20lbs and only 31" tall. Still...she can eat.
This morning she downed two bowls (not baby bowls) of regular cheerios, a banana and half of my bowl of oatmeal.
At the gym daycare she guzzled a cup of chocolate milk, some kid's entire baggy of goldfish and the pretzels I brought her. Once we were home she ate a bowl of applesauce and two bowls of plain yogurt with honey. It is not even 12 pm. If you ask her if she's hungry she immediately says, "Yeah!" Her highchair is her throne.
In the zone. Don't even think about bothering her.
Finishing up her second bowl of yogurt. I think she's finally full.
The downside to this is that what goes in, must come out. And out it comes....probably 10 times a day.
No joke. (Don't you worry, I'm not going to post of picture of that.)
I didn't know she had such an appetite. Is this a recent development?
I can just hear her crying in that first picture.
So true. Maya is always up for a meal of some kind.
Grant is the same way--he loves to eat. Although I think he outweighs Maya--so for him it shows!
I bet Owen could out-eat her! But, he also shows it. He's over 30 pounds!! And I think he's gearing up for another growth spurt!
I love these messy face pictures! I had no idea she could throw down like that! Maybe she can teach Elle a thing or two about eating. I don't think Elle eats that much in a day. Maybe she is gearing up for a huge growth spurt?????
Ahhh I can't wait to see that little peanut again!
Sounds like we'll have to place an eating competition over Thanksgiving... Lil Sis vs Hogwrid. And uh I totally thought that top picture was KC not the little one.
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