We went hiking for 2 solid days and covered about 24 miles. We hiked Alta Peak, which is about 11, 200 feet. It is not super tall, especially for those reading in Utah and Colorado, (although, you can see Mt. Whitney from the top, which is the tallest in the contiguous US, I had to break it to a mission comp from South Jordan that the tallest mountain in the US is not in Utah. He didn't believe me and laughed when I said it was located in California), but it is still quite the climb. The last 1.8 miles climbs 2000 feet. My boys were pretty winded the last couple hundred feet, you really feel the altitude once you get over 10,000 +. Round trip it was 14 miles. The scenery was amazing. At the top it was mid 50's and with the wind chill it was easily in the low 40's. The ones that forgot a shell were freezing.
The second day we hiked Big Baldy and Muir Grove. Big Baldy was very cloudy. Muir Grove was beautiful. Few people go to this grove and is just gorgeous. Tons of huge sequoias and no one around. We saw a bear on the way back. The bear could care less that we were within 15 feet of it. It just ate and cruised around while we snapped off photos.
On the way home we saw General Sherman (biggest tree in the whole world, not tallest but most volume), and then we hiked the 1/2 mile to the top of Moro Rock. This is probably the most popular hike in the park.
Cool trip. I'm lucky I have a great calling and especially lucky to have such a supportive and understanding wife that takes care of the girls while I'm away.
Top of Alta Peak- Looking north towards Jennie Nat'l Lakes Wilderness & Giant Sequoia Nat'l Monument.
Way to go Casey!!!! Welcome back. Looks beautiful and looks like everyone had a great time.
What an awesome trip!!! I want your calling. That looks way more fun than teaching Sunday School!
Growing up, I was always SO jealous of the young men because they got to go on cool outings like this, while the young women had to stay home and make care packages.
p.s. I am impressed that you are blogging.
p.s.s. you need to call me back!
Lucky! What a great trip...I'm sure your YM will have great memories they can pass on to their YM in about 10 years.
I've never seen a bear up close like that, just fresh tracks while in Banff, Canada. That must've been a rush.
I echo what Bree said--I remember complaining about all the cool things the YM got to do while we did jack squat.
Looks like a great trip!
Looks like a lot of fun.
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