Saturday, May 9, 2009

I wasn't born yesterday

I love an opportunity to humiliate someone when they have done something stupid. And illegal.

Today at our community pool a young couple was making out. It was borderline obscene. No biggie, what do I care? I was by myself, enjoying alone time for a Mother's Day present. It's a large pool with a spa tucked in the back. However I had full view of the spa. No one else was at the pool.

The couple decides to come up for air (no they weren't underwater) and they look right at me to see if I'm looking at them. Ah but I have sunglasses on and I'm "reading" a book. So they stupidly think they have the clear to sneak in the spa and.....uh....*ahem* know. They got down to business. I was seriously in shock. It was 1 freakin o'clock in the afternoon on a SATURDAY! I mean c'mon I'm not a fool, I know people probably do that stuff all the time at public pools but at least they have the presence of mind to wait until DARK.

So they uh..."finish" and walk over to get their stuff which happens to be right next to me. I wasn't about to let them get away scott free.

Me: "So is it cool if I call the cops on you guys? "
Gross Guy: "Wha ...wh...what are you talking about?"
Me: "You know what you were doing.."
Gross Guy:" What? We can't make out?"
Me:" I'm not an idiot! You did way more than just make out."
GG:" I have no idea what you're talking about."
Me: "It's illegal not to mention disgusting. This is a public place where I take my KIDS."
Gross Guy continues to deny his lewd conduct. I continue to call him out. They leave. The Gross Girl never says a word which absolutely proves he was lying. If someone were to accuse me of doing something like that and I was innocent, I would jump in and vehemently deny any wrong doing.

I'm not going in that spa ever ever again.


Morgan Hagey said...

Oh my holy gross. That is disgusting. EW EW EW! Did I mention, EW!

KC said...

I just came back from the spa!!!! Why didn't you tell me, I had to find out about this on the blog!!!! suck

debora said...

Whoa!!! There's a girl with absolutely no self-respect.

Amber + Jonathan said...

Thanks Car for ousting me and Jonathan...I thought you had our backs. :)

Lindsay said...

Totally disgusting!!! Can't believe they did that! Way to call them out.

Rob said...

What's so bad about that.

The Greenwoods said...

Oh my gosh! That is so nasty gross!! I can't believe how brave you were for calling those people out. I'm such a wimp--glad I wasn't the one that was there. So proud of you though! Make sure to tell me which summit pool it was so I know to steer clear of it with my kids. Ewwww.....

Hayley said...

Haha! I love the sunglasses-peering. Poor KC.

Jake and Lynn said...

Okay. #1 that is really gross and I cannot believe it. #2 I am so proud that you actually said something, can you teach me how to be like that? #3 I'm sorry you and your family have to share you pool with dirt bags...

Jae said...

Hahaha omg Carly. You are awesome.

Bree said...

Thanks for reminding me not to do that in front of you anymore. I guess some do find that offensive. JK Who would seriously do that???? D.I.S.G.U.S.T.I.N.G!!!

Vanessa said...

OMG!!! I cannot believe that, gross!!! I think it is so awesome that you said something to them, way to go!!!


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