For what you ask?
"The Most Stubborn Girl in the Universe"
Diva is still not potty trained. It has been an annoying source of frustration for me because I absolutely cannot control her bladder habits. I can push and bribe and nag and demonstrate and cry and scream (no I don't really scream but I want to) all I want but it is completely up to her.
You might be saying, "Oh c'mon she can't be that stubborn."
Oh yes.
Since 9 am this morning she has not had a diaper on. It is now 5 pm and she has held it this entire time. Fortunately that means I haven't had to change her underwear or clean up urine but that also means that she a) has a bladder made of iron and b) is incredibly stubborn.
Not a good combination.
That will do well for nighttime training and such! Just try not to let her go too long, she could get a UTI, then you and her will be hating life. Trust me, I know lol
Haha either that or you will find a surprise in a closet or a dark corner one of these days. :o)
You poor dear! She WILL do it. Just when she wants, which may be kindergarten, based on today... don't give up!
Oh Carly, I feel your pain. Just know though, Katie FINALLY is somewhat potty trained. At 3 1/2. Also, it seems like when kids are older when they learn, they catch on faster.
Anyway, don't despair yet!
Hey now, atleast I got her to sit on the toilet! That is an accomplishment! She sat there for about 7 minutes while I was patiently watching and waiting and HOPING for just a little trickle, but no. She claimed she did not have to go! That was what, hour 3 of no peeing? So stubborn!
I guess potty training is a wonderful joy that I have to look forward to. That is pretty amazing actually. I'm actually quite impressed that she can do that. That is one serious iron bladder and an even more serious iron will. Good luck!
Bribery doesn't work? Get an ice cream cone, put her on the toilet, and tell her she gets it if she tinkles.
No Dad, bribery does not work with this diva. I have seen it for myself. Carly has offered her chocolate ice cream, candy, soda, you name it! She still refuses!
I read somewhere that potty training can reveal a lot about your child's personality and how they learn. Sooo, good luck with that. Seriously, you'll probably have to always make her think that the things you want her to do are HER idea.
One day, she'll just make the decision to do it and you'll never have to worry about it again.
Yeah but now she is potty trained because Diva just called saying " I went peepee on the potty grandma!" right after you left!
That is unbelilevable!!
I know I spelled that totally wrong! Oh well!!
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