Who ARE you?!
I get a lot of random hits on my blog quite frequently but several places are not familiar to me. So if you check out my blog and you don't comment...why not? I love comments!! And who the heck are you??
For example: Last post "Selba" commented. I have no idea who you are Selba! Sorry.
So please..show yourself!
Carly, my name is Scott and I am a regular frequenter of your blog. definately
My name is Jennifer Ball. I am seventeen years old and a senior in high school. I like singing, photography, and shopping. I currently reside in Sunnyvale, California.
Hi Carly. My husband has a crush on yours. Can we be friends?
Carly, hi. My name is Aly and I stalk (did I spell this right mrs. spelling queen? It looks really weird to me right now) your blog...too creepy? How do you know if random people "hit" your blog?
Its me Jae! And together we shall take on the injustices of the great contradiction that is BBC. WOO!
Also, I like long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners and am a Cancer. Just in case you're interested.
Hi. I'm married to a cousin of yours. I stalk your blog without leaving comments. I confess it. Your girls are so cute, I can't help it.
I'm Morgan, and unlike Jae, will be no help to you on BBC. But I do love you lots.
Alright, I'm coming clean. The blogger pressure has made me do it. My name is Kelli, and we've met once or twice. Some might even say we're sisters. I regularly and without shame frequent your blog and don't leave comments.
OK. I confess. I follow your blog and usually don't leave comments. I think you're cute. Your husband may be somewhat of a bozo, however; I can't tell from this blog whether he is or isn't. Your daughters are way cuter than any of my own kids I must say except maybe perhaps my own daughters.
you need to be careful. Sometimes there are people who are trying to leave a virus.
I frequent your blog AND I leave comments regularly.
You're welcome.
Hi Carly. I visit your blog everyday. I can say with absolutely no bias whatsoever you have the cutest girls in the world. That may change of course when your sister's daughter is born.
Oh HI! It's Tera, your old YW leader (and by old I mean a long time ago, not in age). Every once in awhile I come check out what's going with you and some of my other favorite YW. I have left a comment once, so I'm not one of "those" people! I like comments on my blog too, so I know what you mean.
Okay, Carly, it's Belinda Oborn. I guess I should start my own blog! I love Chelsea's blog and seeing all her friends. I must say that your girls are adorable! It's fun to see pictures of them! After your recent "car seat" research and comments on Chelsea's blog, I couldn't resist checking out your blog. I confess...I'm a blog stalker!!!
Okay, Carly, it's Belinda Oborn. I guess I should start my own blog! I love Chelsea's blog and seeing all her friends. I must say that your girls are adorable! It's fun to see pictures of them! After your recent "car seat" research and comments on Chelsea's blog, I couldn't resist checking out your blog. I confess...I'm a blog stalker!!!
I do. I do stalk you, Carly. As a matter of fact, I am outside of your house right now. Watching you watch Friends. And you're laughing. And you're eating a bowl of pineapple. You look great today! Love that top.
Hi Carly- this is Brittany (Patterson)now Webster. I check your blog often and your girls are darling and it's fun to stay updated!
I look at your blog from time to time, and I refuse to comment. You can blame that on your husband.
Ha ha, Cindy, that was funny. Made me laugh (but not LOL because I hate that acryonym and because Tuck is sleeping nearby)
hahaha I am glad I made you giggle Linds! Oh, and I HATE that acronym also. It bugs me to no end
HELLO! It's Danielle from BBC. I "stalk" your blog out often to check on your cute family and beautiful girls. My blogs private but and you have access to it but I'm not sure if you ever check it out. If you do, how about you leave a comment next time! =)
Hey Carly, I think your blog is hilarious. I can relate with a lot of the stuff you go through with Diva. I can't remember if I've commented on here about that or not -- so there ya go. Also, you are a great photog.
Fine, I'll come out and say I read your blog. I know, you're shocked. :)
I LOVE your blog!! It is so fun to read and it inspires me to just say it how it is! I always worry about offending people but who cares! And I would have to agree with everyone that your girls are adorable, Lincoln can marry Diva someday fine by me!! HAHA!
I read your blog sometimes. Hope you don't mind. I came across if from a few of my friends blogs. I was friends with your husband in high school. And I must say, what a great post. I get kinda nervous about the random hits on my blog too and want to know who the heck these people are.
I frequent. I stalk. I normally am better about leaving comments in a more timely fashion than I am right now.
Hi, I'm Amber Severts. I'm Lindsay's sister-in-law. I've checked out your blog a couple of times. I'm the "Pahrump, NV" hit. Your girls are adorable! My favorite post was the one about Diva and the Shopping Cart! So hilarious and totally relatable!
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