I love the number four. Really I do. I was born in the 4th year in 1980, 4th month and I'm the 4th child in my family. So it only seems fitting that I get to blog about our 4 year anniversary, which coincidentally was the 14th of August! And at the risk of sounding
seriously so blessed, I also get to blog about my awesomely awesome hubby! Four years ago today we were married in the LA temple. It was an amazing day of course. He is everything I ever wanted in a husband. He is smart, funny, athletic, good-looking and gets along wonderfully with my family. Over the course of 4 years I have also found out he is an even better father and my best friend. I am forever in debt to my friend Trina who originally set us up. I'll be honest and say at first I wasn't so sure about Hubby. He was too polite, too kind (seriously he was.) The more I talked to him the funnier he was and every girl loves to laugh. Then I found out he was an awesome surfer and snowboarder and that sealed the deal.

Ahhh, so young and in love...and kidless.

He gave me a lot of piggy-back rides. Apparently I hated walking.

Engagement pic

We do this a lot, smush in the doorway and talk about our day.

And so last night we headed out for some fabulous sushi; our ultimate favorite food which Hubby introduced to me!

Notice the beautiful flowers!
Four years and two beautiful girls later and I am still so in love with him. He still makes me laugh and he's still so ruggedly handsome! I love you hun!
Happy anniversary! How fun!!! I can't believe it's already been 4 years!
seriously, i can't believe you guys have been married for 4 years!! that's so long!! you guys rock. i had so much fun with you at will's pit stop while trina was busy having a social life. i feel like i was always at the gas station with you. maybe i was. hahahhaa. speaking of, i saw some hot mamas at a gas station in maryland or something when we were driving back from DC, and I regaled everyone with the story of when collin was dared to eat one. so nasty.
sorry this is a day late...but happy late anniversary! i can't believe its been 4 years! i know we've all loved having you transform from a crockett to the better family :) we love you guys! and i miss you guys a lot! i wish we would be able to come home and visit more often but being newly married and having zippo amounts of money kind of sucks. anyways, i hope you guys had a great time eating icky gross sushi! we should like totally skype asap. love you! give cadence and maya love from me and "hongryd"
Cute pictures on your anniversary day. Did babysitter Kelli take them?
Happy Anniversary, you guys are so cute!
I feel like a jerk for not rembering! So happy belated anniversary!!! I LOVE having you as a sister in law and I'm so glad you are in our family. Four years went by so quickly. Ok, I love that you have a picture of Casey in that red Santa Clarita Spirit week (or whatever that was) shirt......what was up with that??
Happy 4th!
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