Monday, February 28, 2011


I haven’t really explained the blog I have with my sisters.  I have three beautiful, talented, wonderful sisters and unfortunately we all live far from each other (well the closest would be Kelli, 1.5 hours away). 

We decided awhile back to start a blog. Full of random, useful and sometimes silly tidbits it’s something we enjoy doing.  So check out my post for this week (and of course all the other posts that are NOT from me.)

Your Guide to Sushi Lovin’

Saturday, February 26, 2011

M is for…


witchhat (1 of 1)

She put on her Halloween costume today.  Just for giggles. 

Oh my little M.  In exactly one month she will be 3.  I refuse to come to terms with it.  Okay, well I know I must but I don’t have to like it.

In a nutshell, she is a goofball.  Her unabating yearning to be just like her big sister combined with her insanely delightful lisp makes for some serious comedy. 

And guess what?  She still loves her binky.  Every day she tries her darndest to feign sleepy at 10:30 am. “Mommy I’m tiiiiwwweeeerdd” she’ll say with a yawn, in hopes I’ll toss her that blasted piece of silicone.  Most days I refuse.  Some days my will to live lies within that glorious little plug.  (Hubby would tell me that line is a tad bit dramatic)  Today as I held her and kissed and smushed her darling little cheeks she announced with much enthusiasm, “I LOVE MY BINKY!”  We weren’t even at home.  It wasn’t within five miles of her lips.  Fine then.

She loves chocolate.  Can’t blame her really.  But hey, sometimes mommy puts her foot down and when she does she hears, “Just a LOTTLE bit!  Pweaassse!”  I’m not sure if this play on words is just her toddler charisma or if she’s a manipulative genius.  I’d like to think the latter.

With Diva, potty training was a BATTLE; a serious, hair-pulling never ending torment.(again with the dramatics)  So Miss M’s quick, no fuss pick-up of the process was like a fresh sea breeze. 

M is a hilarious joy; a charming little girl with boundless energy who possesses the ability to melt hearts with one flash of her captivating, toothy grin.

She’s been my “baby” for three years and I have enjoyed almost every.single.minute.  And I will savor her last month of being two years old!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Work of Art

I know I’m biased, but Diva is getting darn good at this drawing thing.

picture (1 of 1)

I bet I don’t even have to explain what’s in her illustration.  Any guesses?


picture2 (1 of 1)

P.S. Diva took this picture of her picture.  Impressive, no?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Why have I not heard of Adele before?  All I can say is WOW.  She is incredible.  Twenty-two years old?  Crazy.  Do yourself a favor and click on the link and listen to her album.  Her voice is so effortless.  I think I’m in love with her.


                                                                                                                  Tiny Desk Concert for NPR      


Love this version of Someone Like You! They just need to release it!




Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Random Ramblings

1.toes (1 of 1) Yesterday I was in relaxation heaven.  Massage, facial, pedicure all thanks to my hubby (no he didn’t actually DO all those things..just bought me the getaway)  And yes I have long toes.  Get over it.

2. Casey 5  Isn’t he the most ADORABLE little five year-old you have ever seen? And it’s still crazy to me how much Munchkin resembles him.  P.S. Check out that awesome home-cut mullet. 

3.  By the way I have to register Diva for KINDERGARTEN!  Pardon my language but how in the hell did this happen??

4.  Munchkin is handling the potty-training process really well.  The first couple days I was up to my armpits in poopy underwear (sweet visual right?) but she soon figured out that the toilet is where the poop goes.  It’s been nice not having to change diapers.  Really, really, really nice.  Did I mention it was nice?  Cuz it is.

5. Diva gets in these “silly moods” and it  It’s pretty much one of the most obnoxious things on the planet. No joke.  I become invisible to her.  She won’t listen to a goshdarn thing I say and no amount of begging, pleading, sobbing or threatening will snap her out of it.  I just have to wait until she grows tired of it.  I can’t really say specifically why it’s so annoying.  It just is.  Believe me.

6. If you haven’t already seen this then by all means, take the time and watch it.  It’s hilarious.  And no, I neither endorse nor condone toddler alcoholism.


7.  The other day I asked my Laker-obsessed teenage brother a “Would You Rather” question.  I asked if he would rather make out with a rather unfortunate-looking woman or Kobe Bryant.  His response without hesitation, “Kobe Bryant.”  He will never live that down.

8. This morning I slipped and fell while stepping into the shower.  How old am I, 80?!


These are evil in a bag.  I made the mistake of buying some last week and by the end of the first day I felt as if my blood was made of chocolate and yet I still wanted more.  I haven’t bought any more bags.  Yet.

10. Diva asks me approximately 76 questions a day.  Weird questions like, “What’s inside peas?”  Ummmm….?

11. That’s all I got.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kelli’s Shower


We threw my little sister a baby shower today. Enjoy the pics!


           userpreset (1 of 1)  preset (1 of 1)


cupcakes (1 of 1)


                                                                  cupckaes (1 of 1)  flowers (1 of 1)

  heartpic (1 of 1)

                       kelli2 (1 of 1)  belly (1 of 1)


 girls (1 of 1)

Mom, Kelli, me, Cindy (missing one more sister.Sad smile)

userpreset2 (1 of 1)  giftspreset (1 of 1)  peepee (1 of 1)

kellikirk (1 of 1)

kell (1 of 1)

kelli5 (1 of 1)                                                                                

                                        kelliwindow (1 of 1)   kellikirkwindow (1 of 1)

brownpreset (1 of 1)

meandkell (1 of 1)

Monday, February 14, 2011



Okay okay.  I eat my words.

I think I’m digging Valentine’s Day.  Don’t get me wrong, I still hate that the prices for everything Valentine’s related are triple what they normally are but I digress. 

Having a school-aged child has helped my Grinch heart grow three sizes. Or maybe just two sizes.  One size?

Anyway, I was very much in Mom Mode yesterday as I helped Diva color, cut and tape together cute little Valentine’s for her preschool class.  Then I baked 2 dozen heart shaped sugar cookies and smiled as I knew 24 cute little kids would be digging into them the next day.

But the number one reason to love this holiday came to me in a cute little note from my husband, complete with a reservation for a spa day.  He even gave it to me a whole week early saying, “I didn’t want this present to be obligatory.  You deserve it no matter what!”

Awwww. Love him, even during the 364 other days of the year. 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I heart…


heartrock4 (1 of 1)

                                                  girls (1 of 1)  hugs (1 of 1)

                                                                    divadance (1 of 1)  divadance2 (1 of 1)

                  girls2 (1 of 1)  girlsholdhands (1 of 1) Diva (1 of 1)

                     bucket (1 of 1)  mommygirls (1 of 1)

                                     Munchkinsand (1 of 1)  Munchkinsand2 (1 of 1)

                                                                                                            heartrock3 (1 of 1)


The Beach.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Flipping Out

Maybe we shouldn’t have done this before bedtime.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Just a regular one

Remember this?

Well here’s Munchkin’s work of art.  She placed the shoe there for scale.

playdough tower (1 of 1)

What is with my kids and sticking things in play dough and calling it a tower??

P.S. those are screwdrivers.  Don’t tell the hubby. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Moving on

Today as I sat in the freeeeeeezing cold room, waiting for the doctor, the same room I found out my baby’s heart stopped beating at 13.5 weeks I wondered, has it really been only three weeks? It feels like it has been a year. 

Most days are great and I barely think about what happened. Other days, when I see a pregnant woman (they are seriously EVERYWHERE), or when I think, oh hey I would have been 17 weeks today, it’s as if the wound in my heart has opened up and I have to work hard to close it again.   And when I hear a pregnant woman complain about being pregnant (and really, WE ALL DO IT, even myself!) I become angry.  I just want to shout at that them, “BE GRATEFUL!!!!”  and it’s completely ridiculous.  Some women have unbelievably uncomfortable and painful pregnancies and who am I to judge them for wanting to vent a little?  Shame on me.  But I still can’t help it.  It’s like word vomit in my brain.  I just can’t stop the internal screaming.

Having this been the third loss in a row I have so many “what if’s” floating around in my mind.  What if I can’t have another baby?  What if I keep miscarrying?  What if we never have that baby boy?  What if.  What if.  What if.  It’s not a fun game to play.  But…I have no control over these things and although it’s maddening at times, it can also be strangely reassuring.  I leave it in His hands and while I can be tested or treated and comforted and supported, everything is ultimately up to Him. 

Speaking of support (and I hope she doesn’t mind) I just wanted to share one of the best messages I received after I posted what happened on Facebook.  From Marisa…

I just wanted you to know I am thinking of you (hate how cliche that sounds, but it's true). It always breaks my heart to see wonderful mothers (women like you whom I look up to) lose the one thing they obviously value the most. The world needs more mothers like you. Love you!

I’ve read that so many times. It was so unique to what other people had been saying (and those were all wonderful things as well) but it hit home because my children are really and truly what I value most in this world.  My family is the number one most important thing and without them I’m nothing.  Being a mother was what I wanted most growing up and how blessed I was(am) with two girls straight out of the gate.  My life revolves around them and I know I will never stop learning how to be better for them. 

Back to today. After visiting the OB and then waiting in the lab for some blood tests I see a girl (whom I had just seen at the OB) walk in looking distraught.  She said a few things to the receptionist that lead me to believe with almost 100% surety that she was in the process of a miscarriage.  She sat across from me with her head low trying but not succeeding in keeping her emotions in check.  And I stared at her, wishing there was something I could do.  But it was none of my business.  I wanted to hug her and tell her, “It’s AWFUL.  I know...I know.  I’m so, so sorry.”  I felt so helpless.  So I just continued to stare at her, probably freaking her out I’m sure, but I hoped in some way she could feel my support, that I knew what she was going through, that it would get better.

Even though I know I’ll continue to have moments where it all comes back, I know every day is a step forward.  And I have no choice but to move on. 



Friday, February 4, 2011


Wow, I’m on a blogging ROLL. 


Today I had to come up with something to entertain my girls for a little while.  Cue the slime.

divaslime (1 of 1)

                                                           divaslimy (1 of 1)   munchkinslime (1 of 1)

My girls are so FUNNY and I love it.  All I have to say is, “Make a weird face”  and soon I’m laughing so hard I can’t hold the camera still. girlsfaces (1 of 1)

Like, what is this?  A pirate and….??

Thursday, February 3, 2011

P Words

Pee-pee, Potty or Poo-poo.  Take your pick.

princesses (1 of 1)

Munchkin’s cheering squad.

I’m a prisoner in my own home.  I’m a slave to the toilet.  And I’m saying “p words” way…WAY too often.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Second Opinion

Just wanted to share this.  Katie was one of my friends in high school and is an aspiring singer (or rather, she IS a singer).  I think this song is awesome!



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