Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Miss Munchkin


   munchkin (1 of 1)munchkin2 (1 of 1)

munchkin3 (1 of 1)munchkin4 (1 of 1)


Aye.  This little girl.  She’s been driving me nuts lately.  Literally all day long she is asking for food.  “I’m hungwreeee!”  It 

And not to mention she climbs on every thing. I’ve caught her multiple times using her dresser drawers as a makeshift ladder to climb to the top.  No amount of scolding stopped her, and the other night her weight finally tipped the large, five drawer piece of furniture until it landed on top of her.  She was supposed to be sleeping.  It scared the crap out of us and poor Diva.  Thankfully hubby was quick to the scene when he heard the thud and she, miraculously, was not hurt.

Sometimes, kids have to learn lessons for themselves.  I’m certain she won’t be climbing on that dresser in the near future (well and also, because we’ve blocked access to her opening those drawers.)

But.  She continues to climb the kitchen counters, the tables, chairs, ledges, walls and had even tried our back porch railing (but Papa rigged that in a heartbeat).  I’m surprised she has no broken bones yet.

Regardless of the climbing and what seems like her bottomless pit of a stomach, I still love her.  She keeps me on my toes.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Whose kid is this?

I was looking through past pictures of the little one.

Can you believe these pictures are of the same child? 


baby (1 of 1)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Early morning

The girls are usually up every morning between 6:30-7 am.  Thankfully I have a fabulous husband who, about 90% of the time, will get up with them and let me sleep.  I’m no good before 7:30 anyway.

They burst out of their room demanding to be fed.  They beg and cajole their Daddy into getting up and giving them some “cheer-cho’s.”

They’ve learned not to ask me.

So this particular morning Diva was in hyper fussy mode.  It’s hard for her to be hungry.  It affects her personality greatly.  So in the midst of her whining, Hubby tells her to, “Quit her fussing!”

Munchkin seized the opportunity to jump on Daddy’s team and started shouting (in her cute little toddler accent):


Poor Diva.  Apparently she has two mommies. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Big Red


Childhood is a time for magic, for believing in glorious fairy tales and exaggerated stories.  It’s a time to let imaginations run wild with limitless freedom.  And I love living vicariously through my little people, feeling their energy and excitement. 

                                                                                                Diva (1 of 1)

                                                                                                                 Finished her reindeer hat.


friends (1 of 1)                                                                                                                       Her cute little friends.

                                                      kids (1 of 1)

The kids listening to Santa’s stories about the North Pole. 


santa (1 of 1)

“I want a Barbie doll and a princess dress.”

(yeah, because we’re seriously lacking in those departments.)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Me and my cousins

“And you and your cousins.”

Actually it’s Diva and Munchkin’s cousins. 

                                                                                  tramp (1 of 1)

We enjoyed an absolutely gorgeous So Cal “winter” day yesterday.  The kids love the trampoline.

tramp1 (1 of 1)

Diva (1 of 1)

                                            lukie (1 of 1)  t-man (1 of 1)

Mr. Luke and his afro.  And Mr. Tucker concocting  some sort of leafy, organic stew.  He was really into it.

rubycube (1 of 1)

And little Ruby cube.  I call her a little tree frog.  She’s just adorable. 

maya (1 of 1)

Look!  It’s my messyalwayseatingsomethingadorablerascally little girl!

tree1 (1 of 1)

Did I mention it was a beautiful day?  With beautiful colors!  Perpetual fall during the winter months.  Love it.

turkeys (1 of 1)turkeys1 (1 of 1)

Oh and after discussing the gobblers in my last post, I thought it was fitting I saw them strutting their stuff yesterday.  Most of these guys were just tiny little furry balls of cuteness a few months ago.  Now they’re hideous. Just like their parents.


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