Sunday, December 27, 2009

Seriously adorable shirts

My awesome friend Marisa is so very talented. Not only is she an incredible singer (and I've probably only heard her sing like once but it was that amazing) but she is very artistic as well. So when I saw on her blog that she made some Disney shirts for her nieces and nephews I told her I HAD to have some for my daughters and nieces.

I am stealing her pictures from her blog because stupidly I did not get a picture of them all together before I gave them away.

Sassy Tink went to Diva (of course!) and Nemo went to Lil' Sis.

Classic Pooh went to my adorable niece, Ruby, and the other Tink went to my other niece Elle.

She drew them and shipped them so quickly and I was so so impressed with her work. I can't even draw like that on paper let alone on a T-shirt.

Thanks again Marisa!! You are the best.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Thanks to Heather we now have some updated family photos. Here are some favs.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

"DisneyLand: happiest place on earth"

That saying could not be more true for this girl. The in-laws treated us to Disneyland over Thanksgiving week and Diva was beside herself with excitement. The above picture was taken during the parade where she experienced princess overload. It was amusing to see and put a smile on everyone's faces. Notice her outfit? Diva harassed me about getting a princess dress. A dress that alone cost $70. Seriously the girl would never let up. We tried distracting her with big lollipops and cute hats but they were not good enough. So after I said no about 10 times she finally sighed and exclaimed, "OKAY, I'll ask Nee Nee!" And the dress, crown, wand and shoes (not pictured) materialized not too long afterward. She is spoiled but very loved.

Believe it or not this picture was taken about 10 minutes BEFORE the princess dress/parade picture. It was about 6 pm and she was tuckered out and still dress-less. So determined Nee Nee pushed her way through the wall-to-wall crowds all the way up to the Bippity Bop Boutique with the still sleeping Diva. When they arrived Nee Nee said, "Honey, wake up we're at the princess dress store." She might as well have poked her with a hot stick, she was out of that stroller so fast. She lived in that dress for the next week.

This is a shot of "The Leash." YES, I leash my children in an amusement park with over a million people hustling about. Although Lil' Sis' HATED it. Know why? Because she wants to RUN. Hence "The Leash."

And just plain cuteness.

Disneyland can be tiresome and overwhelming as an adult especially carting around young children but it is really amazing to experience things through their eyes. It makes the crowds and lines and the heat (85 degrees end of November!) all worth it.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Anybody home?

I'm totally on a blogging drought. Any ideas? I need some. What do you want to see from us?


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