The other day Diva got into my makeup....big surprise, it's an everyday occurrence. However this time she found my mascara and proceeded to her "hiding spot" which is the back of our closet. I gave her about a minute and went in to get her. She knows what she's doing is wrong so I don't even have to say anything, she immediately gets up and gives whatever she has back to me and then takes off in the other direction as to avoid any type of punishment I might give her. Only this time my cruel form of punishment was to show her in the mirror how silly she looked. This sort of backfired because one look in the mirror and she was PETRIFIED by how she looked. It was as if she saw a huge scary monster. So of course being the loving, comforting parents we are, we snapped some pics.
Above is her running away after looking at herself.
Containing her so we can get a good shot. Oh and please note the lovely permanent marker on her pants. I promise I watch my child. Although my sister might disagree.
Forcing her to look in the mirror. I'm such a good mother.
I hope this means she'll never want to be some goth teenager that wears combat boots.
And I thought I'd throw in an obligatory cute baby bathtub picture for fun.